To find out what signs and houses your planets were in at the time you were born fill out the form below. It is very important to know your exact time of birth to be the most accurate. The time we were born will determine what our Rising sign also known as the Ascendant will be. This then determines our house placement.

Our birth times are usually printed on our birth certificates, but sometimes our moms know too, so give her a call.

[birthreport house_system=”W”]

Most default birth report calculators use the Placidus House system. However, I do not. I use the Whole Sign House system because it is what I was taught and makes the most sense to me. It is the oldest and the traditional house system and had been used a thousand years before any quadrant houses were introduced. I believe the essence of the planets, houses and signs are the most important and they originated from the WHS.

This does cause some changes in charts in pretty big ways. So if you feel more comfortable with the Placidus use that. At first I compared both charts and decided which one felt right. The Whole House always wins for me. Astrology is a tool to guide us. Don’t thinks about the right way or the wrong way just what works for you.