The Lower Chakras

The Lower Chakras aka Physical chakras are just as important as the higher Chakras If you are following along with me on Instagram, then you know my upcoming collection is focusing on stones that balance and help open or un-block the lower chakras. If you are anything like me, then when you started your spiritual…

The Tribal Chakra & its effects on the Collective

I mentioned in my previous post that I had more to mention about the Root Chakra and its effects on the collective.  The Root Chakra is also know as the Tribal Power Chakra. The archetype of tribe or tribal energy connects to group identity, group force, group will power, and group belief systems. So im going to pause…


If you’ve been following along with me on my IG @mindmuze then you know the collection I’ve been working on this month is called “The Protection Collection.” including all crystals for protection. The collection features  stones focusing on protecting our energy & enforcing energetic boundaries. If you have no clue what the heck that means…

The Lowdown on Energetic Boundaries & How to Protect Yours

What are Energetic Boundaries? I’m going to start off assuming you have somewhat of an idea about Chakras & the Aura, and that everything is energy vibrating at different frequencies. Everything physical, music, light, thoughts…. EVERYTHING. That’s why like attracts like, those energetic frequencies are resonating and bringing more of that energy vibration to it….

Letting Go of Control

This is a post that has been difficult for me to write. I am writing it for me though because as of right now the theme of letting go, control, and attachment has been coming up for me a lot, and it is something I need to work through. When ever i write it is…

Are You Letting Fear Run Your Life?

There may come a point in your life where you do not give a flying fuck what anyone thinks anymore. For me this realization came a year ago at the age of 29. I was living my life out of Fear. Fear of what people would think about me if I made certain choices. Fear…

Playing Victim Will Stunt Your Growth

A lot of us are stuck in a pattern of playing victim and most of us do not realize it or are in denial. Staying in denial keeps us from taking responsibility for our lives because it is easier than accepting that we create our reality, or work through our feelings. Victim mentality is a…

Cultivating Self Love

Cultivating self love is an on going practice, and often times a very difficult one. This can be a tough task. If we have some deep wounds it is not always easy believing we are worthy of love. If we don’t think we are worthy of love then it is obvious that we do not…