Jan, 05, 2021

Confused about the difference of a crystal essence and a crystal elixir, or maybe you have no idea what the heck they are? Look no further. I am here to fill your mind with knowledge of both! That’s what we will learn in this article and I will also share how to make your own essence and elixir!

What is an essence?

The definition of essence is: the basic, real, and invariable nature of a thing or its significant individual feature or features: or, a substance obtained from a plant, drug, or the like, by distillation, infusion, etc., and containing its characteristic properties in concentrated form.

In this case its the essence of a crystal. The essence contains the characteristics, energies, and vibrations of the original crystal.

If you are not already aware, water is programable. We can program water with our thoughts, intentions, and words. For more information on this there is a documentary on GaiaTv called “The Secret of Water” and if you want to read about it the book: “The Hidden Messages in Water” by Masaru Emoto is a great read.

What does water being programable have to do with crystal essences? EVERYTHING!

The water takes on the vibrations and the energies of the crystals and is programmed. We can then use this crystal essence whenever we need these energies in our life.

This is a great way to receive the benefits of more than one crystal in a single moment by using a combination of crystals to create the essence. Also to keep on hand or take with us whenever it is difficult to haul around a bunch of crystals. Another great thing about this is one single crystal can make an essence that can reach a ton of people with out them having to purchase the crystal… crystals get expensive!

What is an elixir?

The definition of an elixir is: a sweetened, aromatic solution of alcohol and water containing, or used as a vehicle for, medicinal substances. or an alchemic preparation formerly believed to be capable of prolonging life. the quintessence or absolute embodiment of anything.

I am not claiming that an elixir will prolong your life or should be substituted for any type of medical diagnosis. But an elixir can possibly changeĀ  or alter you mindset/vibration to boost your healing or positivity.

An elixir is a mixture or combination of different substances that carry similar properties or intentions to create an outcome. It may contain a crystal, plants and herbs, flavorings, color all to produce a specific result. So If i were wanting to create an elixir for self love I could add the crystal essence of rose quartz, citrine, and sugilite to the elixir mix with Rose buds, Lavender, orange.

The elixir can do the same thing as an essence but with more added energies to influence the outcome.

How to Make your own crystal essence

****IMPORTANT**** There are many crystals and stones out there that are safe to handle but contain elements that are not safe to ingest and can be toxic. There are many lists out there that contain safe/ harmful crystals. Crystal essence can be made the direct method meaning the crystals are placed directly in the water or the indirect method where the crystals are placed in a dish inside of a larger dish with water so that they are not touching. The indirect method must always be used for harmful crystals. And if you are unsure…then just use the indirect method.

I use the indirect method mostly becuase I use a lot of crystals that are not safe to ingest and it is easier to use the indirect method for all. I do place Quartz crystals directly in the water. *Quartz are programable crystals so the intention and be set and placed directly in the water to help program the water along with the crystals being used in the indirect way.

*NOTE* Quartz Points are chargers when pointing them in a certain direction you are directing the energies of whatever is on the opposite side in the direction of the point. This can be utilized in creating essences with the indirect method. I place all my crystals in a clear glass. I then place the glass in a larger bowl of water and fill the bowl with water. (NOT THE GLASS WITH THE CRYSTALS) I place 3 quartz points inside the bowl all pointing outwards so that the quartz help charge the water with the crystals contained in the glass.

The Steps in Creating a Crystal Essence

  1. Know what you want to create the essence for. The theme of the essence. You can create the essence with just one stone to infuse the water with the properites of it, or you can create a theme such as protection and use multiple stones to do so.

It is advised to use no more than 3 to 4 crystals for an elixir. Otherwise that is a lot of different energies and some stones do not mix well with others. Research what stones have the properties that you are looking for for your essence and choose a few.

2. Cleanse your crystals beforehand. This will rid them of any previous intentions and negative energies that they have collected. You can cleanse them by saging them with smoke, running under water, sitting in sea salt, burying in the dirt….there are so many ways. I usually sage or cleanse in water. Have the intention of cleansing them as you do this too.

3. Next you want to set the intention for these stones. The intention will be whatever you intend for the essence to become. Place the crystals in your hands and visualize or affirm out loud what you intend for the crystals to do.

4. Place your crystals in the glass and bowl of water. Use purified water, not tap and not bottled. I use a Berkey filter system that filters out all the chemicals and fluoride out of my water. If you are interested in one find a link at the bottom of this article to purchase one.

5. Sometimes I write all the intentions or properties i want to infuse the water with on a little piece of paper and place it in the glass with the crystals. I also put herbs that relate to my essence in the glass too. I burn candles next to the essence with the color that resonates closest to the intention of the essence.

6. Place the essence on a windowsill or a sunny spot and let sit for several hours. I usually let it set from morning until the sun starts to set.

7. If using right away there is no need to add anything to preserve it, but if storing and using a little at a time, add 2/3rds alcohol to 1/3rd of the essence. The alcohol helps preserve the programmed vibrations. This is your mother essence.

8. To make smaller bottles from your mother essence. Fill the small bottle with 50% alcohol and 50% purified water. Then add 7 drops of the mother essence.

9. Take 3-7 drops of you bottle on tongue when ever in need.

Interested in the water purifier I mentioned earlier?

Here is the link to the Berkey Water Filter. It is on my top 10 of best purchases ever! It filters FLUORIDE out of tap water and a ton of other chemicals in our water. Click the image below to learn more and shop for your Berkey Filter. royal berkey water filter


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