How To Work With The Moon Phases

Sep, 28, 2018


Hello everyone!

I’ve really been thinking about how the moon has been effecting me lately. I wanted to start planning things according to the phases, and also figure out my moods and feelings according to the moon so I know what to expect. Its no mystery that our menstrual cycles (moon cycle) are attuned to the lunar cycle.

I am going to start keeping a journal according to each phase of the moon. That means 8 times a month I will write in my Moon Journal & describe my mood, how I’m feeling, and eventually I will be able to know when and what to expect for each phase of the moon.


As women our hormones and cycles follow that of the moon. There are two different types according to when you bleed or ovulate on full moons and new moons, but that will be a different post. For now I want to focus on each phase, and how we can take full advantage of each moon to better our lives, create serenity, and positivity.

So I’ve done a little Research & compiled my information into a flow chart for my fellow moon followers. Below I am showing a picture, but also including 2 links to printable full size pages. One with white background one with black. Probably don’t print the black( that’s a lot of ink. ) I use a program called XMind Zen to make my charts, I use the free version so I apologize for the water marks in the background.

Let me know what you think and if you personally have any moon rituals you follow. Enjoy 🙂

Moon Phases

Click Here for Printable Black Version of MOON PHASE Flow Chart.

Click Here for Printable White Version of MOON PHASE Flow Chart.


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